Hi, my name is Mark, and I’m here today to introduce our new line of Adventure Tees. The first two shirts in this series were released a few days ago. Travel and Adventure are two of the values we hold important and the images in this new line come from our trips around the world.
The photo of the fish was taken at a fairly remote lake in southern Alaska, accessible only by pontoon plane. It was late July, when the salmon swim upstream to spawn. The stream leading to the lake was barely deep enough to be called such, and the fish waited anxiously in their thousands for the chance to negotiate it. So packed are the waiting fish they swim over and around one another, a teeming mass of salmon. Obviously, these conditions make for great fishing, which was why I found myself in an aluminum boat in a remote lake in the wilderness of Alaska in late July. Well, at least why my father-in-law was there.
I was there to take photos and witness the wholesale dispatch of these fish. To say the fishing that day was easy would be to grossly undersell the event. On every cast, the hook barely hit the water before it was snatched up and the fish reeled in. One after another, the salmon filled the waiting cooler.
The fish on the shirt was the first of these majestic creatures to come out of the water. Also, the fish jamming the edge of the lake waiting to go upstream attract grizzly and black bears, which you will see on a future Adventure Series shirt.